The Biblical Roots Podcast

Does the Law Pre-date Sinai? Testing 12 Claims

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In this episode we look at another "shotgun argument" from a Torah-keeper. This time it’s a cut-and-paste list of 12 OT verses intended to show that the old covenant law pre-dates Sinai. The thesis we put to the test is this: “The giving of the law at Sinai is the complete revelation of the old covenant law which was introduced at various levels of detail in Genesis 1 forward.”

Why does it matter? Those who hold to the theology of Torahism, and consider themselves a Torah-keeping follower of Jesus (aka Torah-observant, Hebrew Roots, Pronomian) are interested in finding a way to show that the old covenant law applies to everyone, not just Israel. And some believe the best way to do that is to try to show that the law has always applied to everyone, not just Israel. Mainstream Christianity, on the other hand (and for that matter, mainstream Judaism as well) teaches that those old covenant commands were never given to anyone other than the nation of Israel. Gentiles were never expected to keep those laws. And further, followers of Jesus today, whether they’re Jewish or Gentiles, aren’t bound by them either. For Christians keeping those things is permitted, but it’s not required.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Links Mentioned in This Episode
Addressing 17 Hebrew Roots Questions
A Case for Sabbath-keeping Part 1 (OT)
A Case for Sabbath-keeping Part 2 (NT)

Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity
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00:00 Introduction
03:21 Establishing Context
18:01 Examining the Claims
18:27 The Feasts introduced in Gen. 1
20:29 Sabbath introduced in Gen. 2
22:07 Animal sacrifices in Gen. 4.
25:27 Clean/unclean animals known by Noah
29:30 Abraham tithed to Melchizedek
31:17 Abraham kept God's laws 
33:46 Levirate Marriage in Gen. 38
35:12 Moses judged by God's laws before Sinai
37:47 Garden blessings and curses 
39:11 Don't intermarry with animals/nations 
40:41 Don't touch what you don't eat 
42:46 Wrap it up, Solberg.

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