The Biblical Roots Podcast
This is a Bible-based, Christ-focused theology and apologetics podcast hosted by Professor R. L. Solberg. We talk theology and apologetics, test the claims of questionable teachers, and offer a range of Bible teachings, including verse-by-verse Bible studies.
Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity is a biblically-based, Christ-centered apologetic and teaching ministry. Our mission is to create God-honoring, biblically sound content that helps believers understand Scripture and address false teachings. We do this in two ways:
1. Promoting biblical literacy and knowledge of Scripture through Bible studies and teaching Biblical Theology—the discipline that looks at the Bible as a whole and tracks God’s grand story of redemption from the OT to the NT.
2. Systematically breaking down teachings that challenge the sufficiency of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). Our goal is to clear away myths and misconceptions about Christianity and lift high the beautiful Gospel of Jesus.
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The Biblical Roots Podcast
A Response to Rabbi Singer, Wesley Huff, & Joe Rogan
Rabbi Tovia Singer recently put out a video where he tried to refute some of the claims made by Wesley Huff on the Joe Rogan podcast. In this episode, we get deep into it and test and dismantle the 6 big arguments that Rabbi Singer made. He challenged:
1. The authorship of the Gospels
2. What day was Jesus crucified
3. How long Jesus was really in the grave
4. If there were really eyewitnesses to the resurrected Jesus
5. That the apostles weren't martyred for their faith
6. The Hebrew Bible (the OT) nowhere says that the Messiah will die and rise on the third day
We'll hear Rabbi Singer in his own words from his video to make sure we correctly understand his positions. And we'll show exactly why they are all smoke and no fire.
Links mentioned in this episode
Rabbi Singer's Full Video
Joe Rogan's Podcast with Wesley Huff
Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity
Our website
Our YouTube Channel
Prof. Solberg's Blog
Support our Ministry (Thank you!)
00:00 Intro: Singer's 6 Arguments
05:00 New Testament Authorship
11:02 The Date of the Crucifixion
17:33 How Long Was Jesus in the Grave?
29:40 Resurrection Eyewitnesses
40:57 Were the Apostles Martyred?
52:20 OT Resurrection Prophecies
01:03:08 OT Predictions of a Suffering Messiah
01:06:19 OT Predictions of Rising on the Third Day
01:10:48 Addressing Pagan Parallels
01:13:57 Wrap it up, Solberg